Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Garbage Day

Every Tuesday morning is Garbage Day. Garbage Day is not the day we take out the trash to the curb, rather it is the following morning, when the big truck comes and takes our stuff.

Tuesday morning also happens to be the one weekday the boys can sleep in rather than going to Grandma's house. It's Grandma's Day Off and a babysitter comes to our home on Tuesdays. As it turns out, despite the freedom to sleep in, Tuesday is the one day both boys happily hop out of bed at the crack of dawn.

As I'm getting ready for work each Tuesday, I hear the following sounds in quick succession:
1. Diesel garbage truck turns up our street.
2. Four little feet hit the floor running.
3. The rolling window shade flies up and spins around crazily.
4. "Garbage truck!"

One Tuesday I popped my head in with the camera to capture the following memory. After all, Tuesdays and other big events should be memorialized.

These are a few of my favorite things.

[This evening, after bedtime prayers.]

Dan: Who do you love, Jeremy?

Jeremy: I love Jeremy.

Dan: Who else do you love?

Jeremy: I love Mommy. I love Evan. I love Daddy. I love Curious George and I love Cars.

Monday, November 06, 2006


I finally figured out how to log into blogger again.

THIS is a recent, updated picture of my very-grown-up boys. (Do not be deceived, they are not dressed in their "church" clothes; no, they are showing off their "office" clothes.)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

On Conquering Mount FoldMe

[I was lamenting that I’m dead tired and have to stay up to fold at least one more tub of laundry tonight before I can go to bed.]

D: Why do you have to fold clothes?

A: Because if I don’t, no one will.

D: Yes they will.

A: Will you fold the clothes?

D: No, I’ll put them in baskets.

A: We’re out of baskets because I never put the folded clothes away last time I did laundry.

D: Just get more baskets and put the clothes in there.

A: That’s ridiculous. It’s something my mom and I would joke about. It’s like Nathan buying more clothes because he doesn’t want to do laundry.

D: Well, rather than putting them out of the dryer, into the basket, then into the drawer, just put them out of the dryer and into the basket. Skip the drawer part. That’s how I used to do it.

Yeah, well, if that were the criteria by which we strive to maintain this home, we’d be doing dishes bi-weekly too.

Monday, October 17, 2005

And Now the Day is Done

Today was my first day back in the shoes of a career girl.  As I was pulling Evan out of bed at 5:45 and stripping his soaked clothes off him I became acutely aware that I should not have gotten dressed before handling him (cute and cuddly as he is).  The term “natural disaster” has a whole new meaning in this house.  No harm today, but I’ll be a little more careful in the future.

How was work?  Hmm, I’ll give it a little more time.  It was slow-going and I know nothing and I felt retarded (not meant derogatorily…I really felt that way) but I hope that will change as I gain competency and clients.  I have a ton to learn from the paralegal who runs the firm (yes, Virginia, some attorneys actually value the suspect “lower class” legal professional).

<Blank stare.>  I need to go to bed.  Sane thoughts to follow on the weekend.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

SIXTEEN kids!!!

I have been following the Duggar family since the Discovery Health Channel special “14 Children and Pregnant Again!” At the time I saw it I was intrigued. Dan and I have talked about this – about the ability to support a family of that size on even a sizeable income. He says it’s a type of investment. I guess.

Anyway, the Duggar family became a family of 17 after that TV special and continued to grow until two days ago when Mrs. Duggar gave birth to their 16th child. <gasp>

Mrs. Duggar had her first baby at age 21 and her 16th at age 39, roughly an 18-year span, but that included two sets of twins. I did a quick calculation and if I continued having just one baby every 13 ½ months, I’d have 16 children in a span of 16 years, 10 ½ months. Take that, Mrs. Duggar! So there!

For the record, it’s too late to add another full-term baby by early May 2006 and I’m NOT trying to win any family size contests.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Back to Work

I accepted a full time job yesterday and will begin wearing heels and pantyhose again next week.  Today I’m up trying to reacquaint myself with the first dark part of the day.  We’re not getting along well.  I might just cut my losses and try again tomorrow.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

One of Our Favorite Activities - EATING!

Jeremy, eating the extra chocolate cookie dough. I protested this, as his mother, because it was sugar and because it was just before bedtime (thus the Sharktale pajamas). Dan insisted that as a mother I should be pleased to let Jeremy try new things and enjoy a little ill-timed sugar. Whatever.

Evan, eating rice cereal for the FIRST time! He enjoyed it, his tummy did not.