Thursday, July 29, 2004

Alas, the bar is over - and I'm tired.  I went in prepared to type - only, but ended up hand-writing the first 6 essays.  Apparently, the paper we had to type/write our answers on was sent through a printer so many times, and so much film gathered on the paper that most ribbons (other than restrikeable) would not work.   The bar association gave us no warning that special ribbon might be needed.  I see complaints and potential lawsuits.

Many thanks to Mark, who went out with me during lunch on Tuesday and helped me quickly find a typewriter containing ribbon that worked. (Er, I think it worked because it actually printed letters on the page.  Actually it looked like the print was starting to disappear as I turned the essays in . . . I'm not thinking about this.)

I'm really looking forward to just being Jeremy's mom for the next couple months.