Saturday, October 22, 2005

On Conquering Mount FoldMe

[I was lamenting that I’m dead tired and have to stay up to fold at least one more tub of laundry tonight before I can go to bed.]

D: Why do you have to fold clothes?

A: Because if I don’t, no one will.

D: Yes they will.

A: Will you fold the clothes?

D: No, I’ll put them in baskets.

A: We’re out of baskets because I never put the folded clothes away last time I did laundry.

D: Just get more baskets and put the clothes in there.

A: That’s ridiculous. It’s something my mom and I would joke about. It’s like Nathan buying more clothes because he doesn’t want to do laundry.

D: Well, rather than putting them out of the dryer, into the basket, then into the drawer, just put them out of the dryer and into the basket. Skip the drawer part. That’s how I used to do it.

Yeah, well, if that were the criteria by which we strive to maintain this home, we’d be doing dishes bi-weekly too.


At October 31, 2005 1:09 PM, Blogger Amy K said...

Very funny. Thanks for being so honest. I'm the same way - wish I could be better at some of those mundane things!!

Keep blogging - it's good to keep in touch with you. I enjoyed the pics you posted of your boys. They are so precious.



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