Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Okay, so it's been a couple months...

Still alive over here. It seems the more I begin to master my new busy-ness, the more Jeremy keeps me on my toes. I don't know where I left off on his reports, but he's a busy climbing boy right now. With the exception of a couple high beds, he can climb on just about any piece of furniture and then hop from one piece to another.

We're toilet-training - sort of. He's not afraid of the potty anymore and will go when er, seated on his throne, but never asks to go there himself. I've tried a day of big boy underwear to see if he would be uncomfortable in wet pants - no such luck.

And that's more than you ever wanted to know about Jeremy.

Evan is almost FOUR months old. I can't believe how time has flown by. He's into rolling from his back to his stomach and then yelling for someone to come roll him back over so he can roll again. He's definitely a people person - don't you dare leave him in a room by himself or he will let you have it.

I've gotten on the certified family law Guardian ad Litem lists for a couple counties and am hoping to get some work soon, just for sanity's sake, but because I'm relatively unknown I'm not getting any work yet.

I've begun the process of writing another paper. I don't enjoy writing at all, but I'm realizing I don't have anything decent to submit as a writing sample when I apply for jobs on a whim. My law school senior paper was a rush job so I could finish school early and take the bar exam and frankly, I'm ashamed of it and don't really want to share it with a prospective employer.

That's about it from here - I guess to complete this family update I should mention Dan. He's still here, working all day to provide needs and a few of life's luxuries and helping me figure out what I want to do when I grow up.


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